This Is Why We Love Great Characters

This Is Why We Love Great Characters by @MConnollyAuthor #characters #books #reading #writing

Since earlier this year, I have been fortunate enough to be invited to very generous book clubs to which I have offered excerpts of LITTLE LOVELY THINGS. What a thrill to be included in discussions with people who have opened their hearts to me, a new author! Great Characters Are a Mystery  Q&A is always…

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How I Conquered My Fear of a Creative Life

How I Conquered My Fear of a Creative Life by @MConnellyAuthor #Creative #Writing

In my first blog, I referenced a passage in my novel about ‘learning to walk sideways,’ which addresses how to face adverse changes that occur in life. In this blog, I want to talk about the opposite – creating change. I know this well. In mid-life I took a slow quantum leap and became a writer.…

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