Posts Tagged ‘Life’
Mindfulness And Self-Care For The Overwhelmed
We all know how important self-care is to our health and stress levels. We hear the mantra all the time from doctors and well-meaning friends. “In an airplane, you’re told to put on your own oxygen mask before you help others. You need to be strong and settled so you can care fully for those…
Read MoreBecoming An Author: Reflecting on My Second Act
With the release of my debut novel, Little Lovely Things, I have been a published author for a whopping four months now. Before that, I was a research scientist in the pharmaceutical industry. Yes, my head is spinning! And yes, it took courage and meant “reinventing myself” – a scary phrase if there ever was…
Read MoreThis is The Moment I’ve Worked Toward For 10 Years
It’s here. The launch of my debut novel Little Lovely Things! This is the moment I’ve been working toward for over ten years. If you open your window, you will hear me shouting with joy. I have previously written about holding the first advanced reader copy of my book, and how it was, in…
Read MoreThis Is How I Compare My Publishing Journey To Plants
With the launch date of my debut novel, Little Lovely Things, just around the corner, I have been reflecting on the process it took to write my novel, along with the appropriateness of the timing of my book release. April 2nd – early spring, warm weather, planting season. I love plants. Always have and probably…
Read MoreThis Is What To Do When Bad Things Sprout Legs
I had something crappy happen to me recently. On a scale of bad stuff it falls smack in the middle – not earth-shattering, but certainly earth-rattling. When the news arrived, I immediately: discovered all the ways that the crappy thing was somehow my fault, thereby stoking that ugly voice inside to remind me that I…
Read MoreHow Do You Know When You’re Moving in the Right Direction?
You know how sometimes the universe puts a tailwind on your behind and you have to just go with it? I am so feeling that right now regarding my decision – almost a year ago to the date – to quit my long-term career and become a full-time writer. My path now couldn’t be clearer.…
Read MoreCreative Ways To Manage Creative Thoughts
Inspiration. Where does it come from? In my case almost everywhere. One sideways glance at the perfect shield-shaped carapace of a stink bug can send me reeling. Or a chance encounter with a few notes from a Louis Armstrong ballad. A brief exchange with a decidedly eccentric person (this is my favorite – you’ll see…
Read MoreARCs: This is My Story of Gratitude
Remember when I invited you on a journey leading up to the publication of my novel? Well, here’s some GREAT big news – my ARCs have arrived! If you’re not familiar with that term, it’s an acronym for Advanced Reader Copy and it is one final revision away from the completed manuscript. Created by publishers,…
Read MoreHow Important is Silliness In Our Amazing Lives?
How Important Is Silliness? Remember that list we talked about? Keeping track of things that inspire you? Well, the last time I decided to tweak mine, I printed it out and then got onto a very important and very long phone call. After the conversation ended, I found all kinds of goodies in the margins…
Read MoreThe Heavenly Joy Of The August Tomato Sandwich
In my last blog, I talked about making lists of things that I find inspiring. Lately, food keeps popping up at the top. Specifically, the once-a-year August Tomato – or also referred to by the Midwesterner in me – ‘Mater’ Sandwich. The True Tomato Sandwich I will admit I am a tomato snob. Eaten…
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